Well here we are. At this point we are 14 days till be leave our house, and 25 days till we fly out to Mazatlan. Where did this spring and summer go? If you see my Brain at all on the side-walk when your walking please pick it up, because I’ve lost my mind long ago through this whole process. We knew this process would be full of interesting challenges, but that’s easy to say when it’s February.
There’s one thing that I want to make very clear and that while this process is exciting, it has been extremely difficult. While we’ve had a personal guidance from our Lord and Saviour we’ve still had that feeling of walking the plank. Each process and each item off our to do list has been a personal adjustment in our faith. Sometimes even a faith building exercise for our extended family too.
1. Waiting for Renters has been really hard in some ways, and in other ways such a breeze.This home which has been given to us has once again has been used for good. I’m thrilled that we’ve found renters! Not only that, but God has found us really beautiful people to take care of his home in our absence.
2. Flights.
Flights were a challenge. About 3 weeks ago we started to feel like the next step of faith was purchasing flights. The only problem is that we didn’t have enough money in our Fundraising account to buy them. Faithfully I asked for prayers from family and friends and within 4 days we had a friend give us a larger donation to top up our account to be able to buy the tickets. This friend of ours had no idea of our circumstance and our dilemma.
Isn’t God’s timing just totally unfathomable?
3. We say Good Bye.
Saying good-bye to our family, friends, neighbours, and our home is is like a dagger in my heart, unfortunately it needs to be done. This chapter feels like the walk of obedience. Each day I can wake up and decide which way my heart wants to lean towards. Do I wake up with my whole heart trusting in His goodness, and promises for my family? The other way my heart leans towards is that I want to crawl in my cozy bed and put the covers over my head and not come out for 6 months. God has brought us this far, he won’t leave us. I hold on to that promise.
While this may be our last post till we fly out, I really just wanted to give you an update on where we are and request some prayer items as we pop into your brain these next few weeks.
Prayer Requests:
- For my kids. Leaving the only home they’ve known will be hard. This is their security. Please pray that God would show is Grace on their hearts. Emily who is 10 years old is starting to realize the degree of this and is starting to question this process. Ben on the other hand is oblivious and 7 years old and is wondering why we weren’t on the plane yesterday.
- The area in Mazatlan where we are living was severely damaged by the hurricane that went through in September. Our Home is further back, and on the second floor and it is safe. While the walk ways won’t be the same, our prayer is that we can be used to be able to bring order to this area if there is work to do. The older casitas in the front on the ocean side are owned by an older woman who is in her 80’s and the buildings are now condemned. She does not have insurance for the damage and this is her only source of income. Pray for her and her family while they surround her with fundraising efforts. Pray that God will give us a generous heart for her and what needs to be done.
- Pray for our Family who is left behind in Canada. I know this is hard on them, but we know that we have their full support.
Honestly what makes the process so hard is not knowing what the future holds. Will God ask us to leave and Go into Full time ministry in Mazatlan? Who knows, and only time will tell. What ever it it is, I’m holding on to his promises, and as we trust in him, we’ll walk in full faith.
A big thanks to those who have supported us prayerfully, financially, emotionally, and physically. You all know who you are and we appreciate you all!
Jodi, Darryl, Ben and Emily.