If you are planning on Vacationing next year and if you are looking to explore volunteering with your family we would like to invite you to come spend some time in Mazatlan with us this coming winter.
The theme of this particular week is directed towards “Vacation With Purpose” providing individuals and families a soft landing towards showing their children another part of the world where kindness is needed. Years ago both Darryl and I had a lot of fears taking our children to another country to volunteer. Darryl’s parents were a huge help with this four years ago when our family joined them in Mazatlan for two weeks on vacation. Months leading up to that trip we felt a great nudge, and calling to spend some extended time in Mazatlan.
This is the scoop!
We are putting together a group for February 6-13, 2017 so consider yourself invited whether I know you personally or not. For that week we will be feeding and eating with the poor, playing games with kids, and there will be plenty of time to swim in the ocean, eat great food, and enjoy beautiful Mazatlan!
We are having a casual information afternoon at our house this Sunday July 24th 2-5 pm. We don’t need commitments to join the group in February, we would just love to have you! Email me at jodibueckert@icloud.com if you’d like more information, and I hope to see a few of you there!