Last week was a doozy, tough, grumpy, and teary. I typically like to go with the glass half full approach, but I’ve decided with the journal entries I’m doing now that I want to be honest where I am in my journey or at least with today. These past weeks have been a series of thing after thing taking longer than I think it should. Take our garage as one example. We’ve been doing major renovations for 9 years now, and still after all these years I’m amazed how long certain projects take. I feel like our ever-growing to do list is swallowing me up and I couldn’t breath last week.
Did I mention a good friend made us a full dinner last week and it was food for my family’s soul? I was able to work in the garage all day and not even have to think once about what I would feed my family that night. Thanks Meg, your Quinoa salad and salmon burgers on the BBQ were so amazing! I appreciate those around us who are helping us out, you are so appreciated. You know who you are.
You want to know how I really feeling last week? Well, I was kinda impatient… okay really impatient. I’m worrying. Jesus asks us to take all his cares to him. Some days that is easy, some days harder. Jesus never said that following him would be easy, but he did say that it would be worth it. That’s what keeps me alive, that’s what keeps me going.
1 Peter 5:7 says…
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
Is my every growing to do list greater than God’s care?
Of course not, and I know that, but I’m only human. Darryl and I knew that when we made this decision to change our lives forever and follow his calling that it would be hard, and that tears, sweat, disappointment and joy would follow. It’s only natural.
You know what keeps me going? The idea of feeling the warm wind on my face, Seeing the faces of the people of Mazatlan that I’ll get to see week after week. Ben can’t wait to go back to the Homeless shelter that we visited last time in January because he knows that he had a job, and he had purpose and that brings me so much joy. Seeing Emily’s face light up when she comes up with the idea to make rainbow loom bracelets and tuck them into plastic easter eggs for girls in Mexico next year. Loving people are worth it.
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