Hello from Mazatlan!
I must say we appreciate all the love you all have sent us via text, email, Facebook! We appreciate every One of you in so many ways and this journey would not be the same without you.
A few weeks back I wrote about our first week here in Mazatlan. I’m sorry That I’m a bit behind on getting some thoughts down as the last few weeks have had all sorts of stuff going on.
I think one of the main areas I’d like to touch on today is a question that mostly family asks us on a regular basis and at the time it’s hard to answer fully so I will today.
1. What is your Favourite part of Mazatlan?
2. What have you found most challenging? I’ll save this for next time, so stay ready for that post.
I’ll start with the positive, We’ve had a lot of kinks the last few weeks here at the house to deal with, (one of the benefits to renting a home versus home ownership. When something goes wrong you call someone else to fix it). A lot of this home is brand new, and this is the test drive for all of the home elements working out together.
As I type, we currently do not have running water from our sinks as there is something wrong with the water pumps. Emily announced this morning that if we aren’t going to have running water then she is packing her bags and I quote.. “getting out of here!”. Kids….
A few weeks ago in one area of the house there was a really strong presence of propane gas. This was lagging on, so we made our landlord aware. Her maintenance guy came to have a look. The contractors that did the work a few years ago sealed off the existing pipes from the old boiler with what looked to be a piece of cardboard and not actually taking the time and money to seal off with an attachment. This was behind a concrete wall in one of our open walkways, and it was enough that our sensitive noses could smell it. The idea of what could have happened or that a bomb did not go off is beyond me and I thank God for his safety and provisions.
Any ways… I thought this part of the blog post was supposed to be positive? Sort of got sidetracked there. Any ways, in some ways I guess it is positive. The Landlord is extremely grateful that Darryl and I are living in this home the first time. We’ve been able to shrug off lots, and carry on. This is a great home for us, not only the flow of the house, but Design wise it’s perfect for us while we are here.
I’ll list just a few things that we’ve enjoyed because I know you don’t have 20 hours to read a very long post.
- We are saving so much money on Groceries. The other day a truck on our street was selling avocados. I purchased 9 small ones for 10 pesos. So about . 85 cents. Yep, I know!??
- The mexican kids faces really light up when they get to see our kids. especially Ben because he really plays with them and he loves to Play! The girl’s eyes light up when they see Emily’s bracelets, so its in the works to give each girl we meet a larger rainbow loom bracelet as we go along these months.
- We are with our kids 24/7 now, which is really different for us. We are really enjoying that we have time with them, without distractions. However, when Grandpa and Grandma come in February, we will definitely enjoy a dinner out with out our little critters. Wink, Wink.
- The water and sand are so beautiful here. Mazatlan is truly a wonderful place to vacation if you are on the look out for some place warm. We live 2 minutes from the ocean, so it makes it convenient to stroll down for an after dinner walk which we do a lot. We walk a lot. I mean a lot. I told Emily that when she returns to Canada, she will have calves of steel. 🙂
There is lots to be thankful for, even though we feel really comfortable in our home, we don’t fully feel at home. I’m not sure we ever will, but we are enjoying the journey and each new day. Each day brings its challenges, joys, hardships and hurdles. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? You too?
Stay Tuned, for my next post this week about some of the challenges we’ve noticed, and how you can pray for us.
Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, and emails. We appreciate you all.
I finally am online and have mobile that actually works so I am SO looking forward to keping with with the Bueckerts !
So happy you can!