Last night I awoke at 12:00 am till 2 a.m. For those of you on Facebook you would have seen me online. You know how it goes… Shift to the left. Shift to the right, shift to your back… Nothing feels comfortable. Then the raging thoughts begin. There just might have been some snores from Darryl’s side of the bed too. He He He
I’m struggling as of late with my life that is on hold. I feel like it’s been on hold forever if I’m honest. We’ve had such a tremendous time here in Mazatlan and Serving aside it has been an excellent time to regroup, refresh, and re-evaluate our lives a bit. A lot of our life before we left Langley was preparing to really put our life on hold. Putting belongings into storage, selling items, building, painting, cleaning, designing, and all the last-minute details that we had. Saving for our future hasn’t happened in over a year, putting education savings on hold, bank accounts dwindling has been the theme, and not to mention putting our jobs on hold. All on hold… For what? For how long? “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus….” I assure you I’m not complaining, just trying to be honest out loud.
God has really begun to show us why he needs us here for The Vineyard church and that especially goes for Darryl. Between processes, admin, and two church websites he’s on his toes lately. I think he really feels fulfilled, because the work he’s doing is not for him, and all for God.
I recently finished reading the book Simplify: ten practices to unclutter your soul by Bill Hybels. Here’s a snippet from his book.
“Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Overscheduled. Sound familiar? Today’s velocity of life can consume and control us . . . until our breakneck pace begins to feel normal and expected. That’s where the danger lies: When we spend our lives doing things that keep us busy but don’t really matter, we sacrifice the things that do.
What if your life could be different? What if you could be certain you were living the life God called you to live—and building a legacy for those you love? If you crave a simpler life anchored by the priorities that matter most, roll up your sleeves: Simplified living requires more than just cleaning out your closets or reorganizing your desk drawer. It requires uncluttering your soul. By eradicating the stuff that leaves your spirit drained, you can stop doing what doesn’t matter—and start doing what does.
In Simplify, bestselling author Bill Hybels identifies the core issues that lure us into frenetic living—and offers searingly practical steps for sweeping the clutter from our souls.”
In one of the chapters of his book he encourages you to choose a life verse. A verse to keep you on track, through ups and downs, emotions, and anything that can sidetrack you from completing the life that God has for you. Where are you struggling? Generosity? Are you anxious? Do you need more compassion? More awe of God? More gratitude for what is in front of you? Hey? I think by now I’m talking to myself…
1 Cor. 15:58 Therefore be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your work is never in vain if it is in the Lord.
Please be praying for us we lean on God for this summer. We will have to jump straight back into lives once we are home, and as the sun rises and sets, so will the bills into the mailbox. This is a worry for us, and we have to trust that God will provide, and more. I know he will!
On a side note, please be praying for our businesses. We feel God shifting them slightly to be better used for his work and we hope for Clarity around this. It’s tricky to Know how much to work on now and starting to build this amongst enjoying our time here, serving, homeschooling, Etc. Knowing that we need to make an income by June is really quite scary. God help me.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
That’s my prayer for today.